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But the magic from ‘the Will-o’-the-Wisps’ does eventually lead to the creation of the superheroes seen in The Incredibles.  The supers serve and protect their cities, ridding them of crime and injustice.  But when Syndrome then comes into the story, we learn that he is very different from other super-antagonists.  Buddy doesn’t have any powers, so he instead uses technology that he invented himself to help him with tasks like flying, tracking, etc.  And when it comes to destroying supers, he uses an Omnidroid made with artificial intelligence.  The Omnidroid learns the moves and abilities of the super it is fighting, then after adjusting itself to the opponent, the robot is able to terminate the hero.  Succeeding in its task, the Omnidroid quickly eliminates supers, who originally served as its main weakness.  Syndrome is also responsible for discovering an electro-magnetic energy source known as Zero Point Energy, which can currently be found in a vacuum.
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