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This resentment towards people is shared also by the animals that are gaining the same deeper intelligence. But instead of absorbing Zero Pont Energy like the toys, the creatures are receiving their similarities as a fading heredity from their human-turned-animal ancestors. In Finding Nemo, the evolving fish are angry with the humans for polluting their oceans and for removing specimen from their waters for experiments. Dory, for instance, was taken to a lab in order to have some tests ran. But when an accident occurred in the examination, Dory was regretfully diagnosed with short-term memory loss. Now many may think that because of her unfortunate illness, Dory is less advanced than the other fish. But actually, Dory is more evolved than most other sea creatures, due to her amazing ability to read and communicate with animals of a different species. She is gaining different capabilities, and is gradually evolving in a new way; she is just slowed down by her disability. This example shows just how quickly the animals are becoming more like people, and just how truly amazing some of their developing skills are.
![]() EVIDENCE #1Sea creates are also becoming more advanced and humanly intelligent |
![]() EVIDENCE #2Humans remove fish like Dory from the oceans to experiment on |
![]() EVIDENCE #3Sea Creatures and other animals become aggravated and begin to rebel against the humans |
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